Enriching students’ cross-cultural education since 1995
Through its CCMM-in-Schools program, CCMM brings a pop-up cross-cultural museum directly into Los Angeles-area schools. CCMM transforms a room on each campus into an immersive experience with hundreds of international art objects and artifacts, customizing the exhibition for each space.
Imagine students, many of whom never travel outside of their own communities, walking down the hall to a room filled with hundreds of ethnographic objects and artifacts. CCMM-in-Schools gives its visitors a chance to walk in someone else’s shoes, literally, whether they be Japanese geta or Guatemalan huaraches. Students encounter objects used in the past and present, from coffee grinders to prayer beads, from rugby balls to brooms, from drums to hand fans.
Giving visitors a chance to walk in someone else’s shoes…literally!
The CCMM-in-Schools Collections
CCMM’s comprehensive ethnographic collection of more than 3,500 art objects and artifacts represents cultures from modern countries to ancient civilizations, from the everyday to the rare.
The CCMM-in-Schools program brings thematic exhibitions and presentations, each curated from the CCMM collection, directly to schools. Each exhibition – Commercial Connections, Spiritual Connections, Everyday Connections – features a diverse selection of art objects, artifacts and replicas, drawing connections between cultures, customs, and practices.
CCMM shows each exhibition in consecutive years so that students see all three collections by the end of their three years in middle school.
program Benefits
Exhibition of 750+ international art objects and artifacts in each collection
Relevance to CA State Content and Common Core Standards
Hands-on opportunities that bring students’ learning to life
Program open to ALL students – gifted/magnet, English Learners, students with disabilities – and specifically geared towards grades 6-8
The CCMM-in-Schools program brings the fieldtrip experience to students right in their own schools.
Pre-Visit Planning
CCMM and each school’s point person identify a suitable room on the school’s campus for the CCMM-in-School exhibition (most often the library). Teachers get pre-visit materials, including a description of the collection and a summary of its artifacts, a list of relevant CA State Content and Common Core Standards, and any available supplemental resources, to prepare students for their visit and to incorporate students’ CCMM-in-School experience into their classroom learning.
CCMM transforms the room into an immersive “trip around the world,” with artifacts organized according to function and geographic context. CCMM installs its exhibitions using its own display materials and customizes the configuration to optimize student viewing and participation. Each collection features ~750 art objects and artifacts.
Program Delivery
Every student is invited to participate, and attend the museum with their history/social studies class. Presentations are tailored to the grade level in attendance. The CCMM docent-led presentation guides students through the exploration of artifacts by comparing and contrasting materials, social context, and cultural themes. The docent highlights artifacts with specific curricular relevance.
Depending on local covid-19 protocol, students may be invited to engage with a select group of artifacts up-close and personal.
…and the CCMM-in-Schools program moves on to more students at more schools, returning to most year after year.
Your tax-deductible donation helps students see the world…without a passport. Every donation helps CCMM reach more students!
We’re looking for volunteers to make CCMM’s important work even better. Get in touch to see how you can get involved!
Learn more about bringing the CCMM experience to your students. We do our best to work with as many schools as possible!